Portal Access

Go to the portal and sign in using the credentials provided. If you haven’t received your credentials yet, contact us.

Product Syncing

Go to Feeds and click Add feed to and ensure it matches the format outlined in our documentation.

Perform a manual sync and review any errors.

Brand aliases

Go to brand aliases to add one-to-one aliases between your brand name and ours where they don't match.

Category aliases

Go to category aliases to add many-to-one aliases between your category names and ours where they don't match.

Note: brand and category aliases are case-insensitive.


You can integrate with the API, widgets or both.


First, generate a password (username is your email address) then, follow the documentation.


In the widget configuration:

  1. Whitelist your domain
  2. Paste the integration code into the <head> section of your website
  3. Adjust config settings as needed

To allow the widgets to interact with your eCommerce platform, please follow this documentation.

Note: If you set Show cta to No in the configuration, you can skip this.

Notify Me
  1. Go to the Notify Me configuration
  2. Verify your email address
  3. Create a sign up confirmation template
  4. Create a product arrived template
  5. Link the triggers to the respective templates the respective templates

Note: You can skip this and handle the logic on your server. If you do, make sure you configure add the window.skutreeConfig.handleNotifyMe() properly.


Check the integration settings to optimise their outputs.